The latest news in the managed decline of the Church of England features a white female Archdeacon who has openly called for anti-whiteness and the smashing of the patriarchy.
For context, the entire tweet read:
I went to a conference on whiteness last autumn. It was very good, very interesting and made me realise: whiteness is to race as patriarchy is to gender.
So yes, let’s have anti whiteness, & let’s smash the patriarchy.
That’s not anti-white, or anti-men, it’s anti-oppression.
The tweet in question went viral, and the woman received thousands of outraged responses. But what would cross the mind of a woman who believes herself to be a priest to tweet the words, “So yes, let’s have anti whiteness, & let’s smash the patriarchy” in the first place?
Giles Udy, a renowned historian, replied with an apt analysis:
Only just realised? It’s the oppressor/oppressed binary of Classical Marxism updated for the 21st century, developed through academia in the third quarter of the 20th century, and now leached out as slow poison into wider society. Now as then it simply sows division and disunity wherever it goes. The attack on the bourgeoisie in favour of the proletariat has simply been updated. The goal remains the same - the overthrow of ‘capitalism’ (in Marx’s day ‘private property’, the source of all ills) for the establishment of heaven on earth. (Which is a phrase Marx himself used about the world after the revolution). Marx 3.0
This is Marxism 3.0. It does not matter what you label it: neo-Marxism, woke, feminism, liberalism. It all adds up to the same idea: cultural subversion, designed to poison society and disrupt our way of life.
Four days later, the lady vicar in question has protected her account. I will not name her because she has already received enough responses to know that she was in the wrong, and frankly, this is not about her - this is an institutional problem.
The Church of England is always talking about institutional problems it purports to have: institutional racism, institutional sexism, institutional transphobia, institutional homophobia, and more recently, institutional islamophobia - which is not a thing - but it always fails to talk about the real problem gripping the established Church at present, institutional Marxism.
Yet, there is no joined-up thinking. One of the most recent scandals in the Church of England - of which there are many - involved the advertising for a ‘deconstructing whiteness officer.’ I covered this on my Common Sense Crusade, these anti-white jobs were being advertised for double the salary of a priest, at a time when there is a shortage of priests and churches are closing as a result. There is somehow always more money in the coffers for virtue signalling. Let us not get started on the £100m reparations fund being pushed to £1bn. The overpaid role of the ‘deconstructing whiteness officer’ was to ‘address white fragility’; it is reported that the Archbishop of Canterbury questioned church officials about the position. When your policy is too woke, even for the Most Reverend Justin Welby, you know you are in deep waters.
It is beyond cliche at this point to ask, what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if someone said, “Let’s have anti-blackness”? Because, of course, people would rightly be in uproar. But the Marxists have been so busy infiltrating every institution, including the Church, that a lot of people no longer see white as just a description of an immutable characteristic. It is not just about skin colour; it is a personality trait. Whiteness means being punctual, speaking properly, dressing well, and essentially having high standards and expectations. The truth of the matter is that those who attribute basic civility to whiteness are unwittingly letting the rest of us know how racist they are. When they talk about white superiority being a problem, they are telling the truth. It is their own projection of white superiority. They see people with brown skin as tardy, untidy, unable to speak properly, dress properly, or engage in civil society. And in order to bring about equality or equity, they want white people to stop being so superior. It is a race to the bottom, an argument for the lowest common denominator, and it is absolutely steeped in old-fashioned racism.
The liberal-progressive types who subscribe to Marxism 3.0 do not believe in racial equality. They do not believe in the teachings of St Paul in his epistle to the Galatians, of there being neither Jew nor Greek. What they teach is that white people are superior, everyone else is inferior, and that it is unfair for white people to maintain their superiority. For us to live in a more diverse, inclusive and equitable society, we must be anti-white, “let’s have anti whiteness.”
But this poison is not entirely cultural. The purpose is not just to overthrow capitalism. The purpose of Marxism is to attack God Himself.
I have spoken about this before when the Church of England found the ‘Our Father’ problematic and when I got kicked out of an Anglican conference in Charleston for daring to mention feminism being a large part of the problem.
God is our patriarch. God is the archetype of the patriarchy. He asks us to refer to Him as God the Father. He provides for us, He protects us, He sets boundaries for us, and He loves us unconditionally when we stray from His laws.
God’s Kingdom is a patriarchy. Jesus Christ rules from a throne at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords. The angels and saints in heaven live in perpetual praise and worship of God. Freedom to a Christian is submission to God. Submission to patriarchy.
Not only is God our patriarch and His Kingdom a patriarchy, but God revealed Himself to us through patriarchies, too. His patriarchs include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Judah.
Much like when Islamists yell “Allahu Akbar” before blowing themselves up, when feminists screech “smash the patriarchy”, they are launching an attack on God.
These are not the words of a minister of Christ working in the Church of God for the greater glory of God. These are the words of Satan.
So, let us not have any more anti-whiteness. Let us stop obsessing over meaningless melanin count, and let us remember our identities are rooted in Christ. Let us not smash the patriarchy any more, either. Let us thank God for His great wisdom and most importantly, let us restore the patriarchy.
I am a capable, independently-minded female. I have thrived on bringing up four children, an extremely Godly-feeling, instructive, nourishing occupation. I have an elderly husband whom I adore and love to serve. I love God with all my heart. I have been through a great deal of tragedy and come through it with the help of God. That is the which I will say with entire conviction: I cannot be DOING with priestesses; I wince, I shy away; sorry, but women are not suited to this role. Are they then inferior? Not in the slightest; but: it is a role for a man, and that is a fact; I can feel it in every bone in my body; I look......even at a little thing like the Radio4 Daily Service, to see: is it a man today? most of the time, increasingly, the answer is No. Women can be so over-emotional; yes those emotions are wonderful for relating to the family, a brilliant tool; but in the spiritual sphere, they can be really inappropriate - too subjective, too woolly, too inconsistent. I absolutely wince when I hear a gushing female voice in the church context - it is overpowering, it is too much about Me, whoever that woman is, not enough about God. I go to church to commune with my Maker, not to have the emotionsl of some female getting in the way. Even my local cathedral, the Dean.....has such a COOING voice 😡 I need male calmness, male representation of God my father; oh how reassuring it is to call God Father. Well, that says it all, I do not want a WOMAN conveying that to me, I want a man to do so, to direct me to the Father, the Father who is my pillar of strength. I - as a woman - can thrive, and yes be empowered, through being nurtured in this way.
The Fatherhood of God is the salve to our wounds in this time (and indeed at all times). To be without paternity is to be an orphan. To be a Christian is to accept the adoption of God the Father through Christ the Son. As Christ says in Hebrews, echoing Isaiah: “Behold I and my children, whom God hath given me.” (Heb ii. 13)
Women’s ordination, while a mockery of the Sacrament of Orders, is more aptly a disturbing message to God: Non serviam. By believing the Evil One’s lie that the only good one can do to serve the Church is through being a cleric, the female “ordinand” in diluting the fatherhood of God, takes on the patrimony of Satan.
Her mind taken with the chaos of the diabolic, the faux bishop in question has no choice but spew the lies of racism and patricide. May God spare her of this evil, grant her the grace to abandon her role, and the clarity to see the true vocation He has prepared for her.
Crux sacra sit mihi lux! Non Draco sit mihi dux!