As a society, we really have to stop lying to each other.
A liberal might argue that people should be able to live their lives however they see fit. What goes on between two consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes is no one else's business, a fairly reasonable argument.
A conservative might argue that's fine, that we are individuals with liberties worth fighting for; however, those individual liberties come with social responsibilities. We live in a society, meaning our freedoms come with duties and obligations to our communities; without understanding that basic concept, everything starts to fall apart.
The family is the first community we belong to, followed by our parish or local community, perhaps a sporting or religious community, and others right up to our national community and the worldwide human community. We cannot escape the fact that we are social beings.
Why, then, have we seemingly concluded that people can self-ID? That we can create our own identities without any consideration for the people around us? As a man, society has certain expectations of me - rightly so. Without standards and expectations, we enter chaos and anarchy. Good governance of life is about finding that balance.
To me, for a man to say he is now living as a woman oversteps that mark. It says that a person no longer cares about their place within the community, what is expected of them as a man or how they are able to provide for their family. It says to me that their personal happiness is more important to them than their place in society. That may or may not be the case, but that is my personal understanding.
Without boundaries, we do not know where to draw the line. What started with men wanting to live as women - and let's be honest, it is mostly in that direction - soon became white people wanting to identify as ethnic minorities. And that's just the start. The slippery slope many of us warned about is now starting to rear its ugly face:
This week we heard about a growing niche within the trans movement called 'Transage'. People who decide to identify as an age other than their biological, natural age. It doesn't take an overly active imagination to see where this is going and how breaking down this final boundary will be dangerous to children and vulnerable young people.
Boundaries exist for a reason, as do social expectations and standards. If sticking to them and talking about them makes me a bigot, a transphobe or any other derogatory insult, so be it. I will wear whatever label you throw at me; what I will not do is go along with the lie any longer. Men cannot become women. White people cannot become black people. And most importantly, grown men cannot become young girls. Our immutable characteristics are nothing more than descriptors, we have been placing far too much emphasis on them.
Our identity is routed in where we live, which communities we belong to and our nationhood. These are more important because these are the things about ourselves that we choose.
The slippery slope of liberalism ends only one way. The natural conclusion is paedophilia. Call it what you like, trans-age or minor-attracted people; it is a great evil. No matter one's religion or worldview, any moral person should be united in standing up against this immorality.
It's time to stop conceding ground. If you go along with one delusion, what is to stop you from going along with them all? Where is your red flag? Where is your line in the sand?
The Church has even become infected with this modern-day madness. A vicar in the Church of England has come out as non-binary. And Bingo was his name, oh…
The Reverend Bingo Allison was ordained by Bishop Paul Bayes, which will come as no surprise to anyone with knowledge of the CofE’s internal politics.
Fr Bingo claims he had an epiphany whilst reading Genesis halfway through his training program when he realised God was actually trying to say “from maleness to femaleness”. The audacity of correcting the Word of God.
The ESV reads, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
The KJV reads, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
The NRSV reads, “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
If you manage to find a translation that reads “maleness to femaleness”, please let me know in the comments below.
The Church of England will not correct Fr Bingo in his errors. They will not punish him for his heresy or his blasphemy. It is my opinion that they will encourage his delusions in the name of ‘diversity, inclusion and equality’, aptly abbreviated DIE, which is what all institutions do when they focus on these areas above truth, beauty and goodness. It is a great shame. The country could do with some spiritual leadership; it is sad to see the Established Church no longer sees that as its role.
I pray for Fr Bingo’s wife and kids, who are having to live through this scandal. I also pray Fr Bingo finds Christ and that he sees the error of his ways and returns to reading the Bible rather than re-writing it. I pray for Fr Bingo’s flock that they may not be led astray by this apparent wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I pray that we all find the strength and courage we need to stop lying. To stop affirming people’s fantasies and instead be kind enough and loving enough to speak the truth to people at all times.
I blame the boss. An unmitigated wally!
"The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has rejected calls to scrap the Church of England’s transgender guidance which affirms children as young as five in gender confusion."
God bless you, Father! You are so much more clear-headed than, from what I can tell, is the Archbishop of Canterbury. Your incisive reasoning reminds me of that of Bishop Barron and … of Pope Benedict. May God grant you the strength to carry on with your mission.