It is rather shocking to encounter so much truth, in the absence of apology. It takes real courage to take a stand like this. We need more people like Rev. Calvin Robinson. Rise up, men of God. Please.

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For someone who has never been a man of faith, more and more I find myself coming round to the idea that the degeneration of Western civilisation can be traced back to our detachment from our religious roots and the lessons therein.

Do you recommend my paying a visit to my local church? My greatest concern is that the institution appears, like so many others, to have been completely captured by the secular religion we call “progressivism”.

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Many churches are subverted. My local "Catholic" one for example. (There's a reason so few attend.)

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Thank you for writing, speaking, and leading. Pray, sing, fight, and lead on. Your light matters.

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This shows the success of the plans of the Frankfurt Marxists who when kicked out of Germany by Hitler moved to the USA where their plan was to infiltrate the Universities and education system. Their agenda was to destroy the family because the children should belong to the state not their families. It has taken many years but the plan is now coming to fruition. Very few can now critically think for themselves due to their brainwashing by the education system. Even many of the Christian higherarchy have bought into this. Keep up the good work Calvin. I enjoy your appearances on GBNews.

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It' s alarming that 9 bishops did this. Where do they get the authority to just do this and how can I and others respect this?I cannot and will not and I have had years to study texts. It is an abuse of office we can argue, something many bishops are very good at I have seen over years and I question if they should consider their position as leaders by stating this. It may be best they leave the C of E, but they may miss the higher stipend and larger pension! No wonder the C of E seems to be salt that has lost it saltiness in today's society. It merges into the secular society at times always trying to please and be relevant but fails nearly always and is inconsistent. Instead many people want the Church to be different. This is not about not caring or loving, but recognizing differences. I will never accept gay marriage and I see it as between a man and a woman. However, I can accept for legal reasons why some gay people want a civil partnership and well it is a demonstration of commitment as well. Having in secular work and in church ministry, often working with gay people and in church ministry they have played their part to the full with no judgement from me. So I am not homophobic. However how ever much people desperately try and bend scripture to support the view they want, this issue is clear. I think they should be asked to resign and not just be allowed to come out with this. Of course as Christians many of us want to include and care for all and we can do this. However, this does not mean shredding centuries of tradition and a clear biblical message. Life is full of grey areas and I do not want to judge. Clearly many gay people live loving lives with each other and they are just as good or bad as I. Promiscuity be it gay or straight is an issue. What does feel strange is when straight people want a civil partnership and not marriage! I think they need to examine what image they have of marriage that is often very out of date I note.

So can we accept bishops that come out with these views? I do not think so. Do they feel brave now in a society where anything goes? They should resign.

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As much as I agree with everything you say - we are told that this will happen in the end days, to which I firmly believe we are living. Our task is to get those unbelievers accepting Jesus and to repent - I fear the clock is ticking.

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Jesus Christ in the bible was an absolute badass tough guy. It is something I'm trying to explore in my writing as well. What happened to the spirit of defiance that he embodied and demonstrated? Where are the Templars, and where is the masculinity in our moral leaders?

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The Church is the Body of Christ. Many times in history, the Church has appeared dead.

Much like Christ resurrecting from the tomb, the Church will be rise again. It’s built into the DNA of the Church.

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Those that raised the marriage age.

That cause children, to be born without the Sanctity of Holy matrimony recognised by God. Throughout all age.

These people, that cause children to be born without two committed parent's and shelter for parents. Those, that lead the flock, from the fold. Will know, purgatory as foretold.

Christ's words are the real gold.

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Great article, thank you!

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It certainly is sad to see that no bishops in the Church of England stood up to defend the Biblical Christian view of marriage as being between a man & a woman. And as far as all of those bishops who spoke in favour of gay marriage - it almost seems like they are saying "well, God got some things wrong in the Bible, but we can now fix that!".

It's also sad to see that in what has been a traditionally Christian country, of all religions, Christianity now seems to be the least acceptable - despite many religions, & certainly at least Judaism & Islam, holding the same beliefs about homosexuality & gay marriage etc, as Christianity. Yet Christianity is the only religion that ever seems to be criticised for the Biblical view on LGBTIQ+ matters.

When it comes to multi-culturalism - there's nothing wrong with being a multi-cultural nation - but we need to ensure that everyone who migrates to the UK is going to eventually fit in & adapt to the existing culture - which of course is predominantly Anglo-saxon & celtic - it always has been & likely always will be. A country with such a large population cannot be expected to adapt itself to the culture of everyone who comes to the UK - migrants are the ones who should be adapting to the British culture & language. And of course, there will always be some sort of limit, as to how many migrants/refugees a relatively small country (in area) like the UK, can accept.

We also need to realise that it's not always going to be possible to have every ethnicity proportionally represented in every area of life - as some ethnicities may simply be too small in number, & some areas just too small. I think we need to come to the realisation that in a country such as Great Britain it's perfectly okay to have a majority of "white people" in some areas.

It's a very sorry situation indeed to see what one would have thought was a bastion of "free speech" & debate - the country's top universities - succumb to such a one-sided view of things, & barely consider both sides of the debate. I was so disappointed to learn of what happened during that Cambridge Union debate. Once upon a time, if you were assigned a debate topic with which you did not necessarily agree - you still gave it your all & considered it a good test for your skills as a debater. Now it seems, everyone has to be on the "politically correct side" to win a debate - no matter how good of an argument one may put forward. Instead of relying on the audience to determine the debate outcome - perhaps they should have just engaged a panel of experienced debate adjudicators, who could have judged the debate in a more unbiased manner.

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