Providentially, perhaps, I found this article sitting in my drafts, and I figured now would be a good time to share it because I am fatigued by all the negativity coming out of the UK. Every bit of news is emotionally draining - crime, illegal immigration, murder of innocents, political prisoners, lack of free speech, thoughtcrime, bad politicians, complicit legacy media, etc.
Recording the latest Fox & Father, released yesterday, I realised I am tired of talking about my homeland because there is very little good news to talk about. But this is wrong because until a hundred years ago, Great Britain was the greatest nation in the world. And to this day, the British Empire is the greatest force for good in the history of the world. So, it is high time we reminded ourselves of this fact and regained our confidence.
America picked up that mantle when, after defeating globalism and fascism, our Empire imploded. And for their efforts, we should be thankful. But the UK still has a lot to be patriotic about.
Regardless, there is always good news to talk about as a Christian in a Christian nation.
British values are rooted in a foundation of Christian values. Take, for example, our Common Law, based on the Ten Commandments: laws against murder, adultery, theft, and bearing false witness. We no longer have blasphemy laws, but it could be argued certain demographics are trying to bring them back. The first commandment sets out the nature of our State: Thou shalt have no other God but me; well, we are a Christian nation with a monarch who acts as head of state, head of the military, head of the judiciary and head of the legislative, who must be a Christian.
Our moral compass, our sense of right/wrong, comes from the Christian definitions of what is good/bad. Christ summarised the greatest commandments as love God and love your neighbour as yourself.
UK law is centred around the idea of private property (thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet). That is where the majority of our liberties come from.
Our entire premise of freedom comes from the Scriptures. In the Biblical context, freedom is the freedom to worship God with our free will. In the secular world of the twenty-first century, we tend to think of freedom in terms of freedom from the restraints of everyday life – but that is not freedom; that is oppressive. Our rights come with responsibilities.
God gives us freedom in the same way a parent gives their child freedom. It is the constraints that make us free. Boundaries are important. You let your child out by themselves to play in the street, but you tell them not to cross over the road by themselves. Or you let them play with certain toys only when they’ve reached a certain age. Whilst the child might push back against those boundaries occasionally, they know they keep them safe, and they’re a comfort because they know they can operate within those parameters and be relatively risk-free. However, children who don’t have any boundaries end up as adults who are not able to function as well in the real world. Not setting boundaries is a form of neglect; it is not liberating. Real freedom is freedom to, not freedom from. Freedom to explore within boundaries, not freedom from boundaries. No boundaries means a dangerous and lonely existence.
The same goes for nation-states. Boundaries are God-ordained. The Bible tells us that God decreed the nations and tribes for our inheritance. “When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.”
This is why a Government’s number one job is to protect those borders because, without borders, we have no nation. Globalism is the greatest threat to national sovereignty at the moment, with projects like the WEF/WHO/UN pushing for one world government. The Bible strongly advises against such an idea “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”
So our national sovereignty, our freedoms and our liberties via private property are Biblically ordained.
It could be argued the Bible gives us protection against greedy kings and governments, too.
Numbers “Speak to the Levites and say to them: ‘When you receive from the Israelites the tithe I give you as your inheritance, you must present a tenth of that tithe as the LORD’s offering.”
If God asks for no more than 10%, no government or ruler should ask for more than that, either. Taxation over 10% is unjust.
What else did we inherit, as Brits, from Christianity? Freedom from slavery.
Christian abolitionists initiated and organised the abolition movement. It is Christians who perpetrated the end of the transatlantic slave trade. William Wilberforce was motivated by a desire to put Christian principles into action and to serve God in public life. In this diary, Wilberforce wrote, “God Almighty has set before me two great objects, the suppression of the Slave Trade and Reformation of Morals.”
Paul instructs Philemon to receive Onesimus “no longer as a slave . . . but as a dear brother”—and he appeals to Philemon to “receive him as you would receive me.”
Galatians “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
This is why the British Empire employed the West Africa Squadron to patrol the seas and suppress the transatlantic slave trade. We broke international laws to do so, at great cost to the GDP and in terms of human lives. But the Christian British Empire saw it as their duty to end an abhorrent evil.
And this is what we need to hear more of. There are too many snakes whispering in Eve’s ear, too many demonic presences talking down our good works. We shouldn’t be prideful, of course, we should speak with humility, but we should speak truthfully. Our history – as with the history of all nations – is checkered because people are fallen. We are all the result of original sin. However, this nation has produced more good for the world than any other. The British Empire spread health and wealth around the globe, civilising nations by introducing the English language, the Christian religion, and along with it: charities, hospitals, railways, schools, and parliamentary democracy.
Which brings me to the topic of forgiveness. A core Christian value. “Forgive, and you will be forgiven”. The British government has apologised for its role in the transatlantic slave trade. The British monarchy has expressed regret and sorrow. After an apology, the Christian thing to do is to forgive. Otherwise, we live in a state of victimhood, bitterness and resentment. We get stuck in the past. The only way to move forward is to follow Christ and to offer forgiveness. Those who campaign for reparations, join BLM riots and ask white people to kiss the boots of black people are not coming from a Christian place. It is our role to set a better example. We are not responsible for the sins of our forebears, whether they were slaves or slave owners. Our business is in becoming slaves to Christ. He is our Master.
Christ is our master. Christ is the truth, the way and the life. He taught us that if we wanted to gain eternal life in him, we are to follow him. He is our best example, the perfect human life. Fully man, yet fully God. It is an important reminder in these times when our culture is at threat and our way of life is quickly becoming forgotten. Masculinity is perceived as ‘toxic’ by the feminist movement, and the liberal progressives have convinced a generation of young men that they must emasculate themselves and feminise themselves in the name of equality or equity, which is a con. Society needs strong men. Strong men are providers and protectors. Fishermen and carpenters. Without them, we are lost. They do say good times produce weak men, and we have been living in relatively good times for too long now. Our young men are addicted to video games and pornography; we must remind them of their duties and obligations to the community. Likewise, we have a generation of young women who believe they must act like men. People are confused about equality. Men and women are equal but different. Generally speaking, men are faster and stronger, and women are more nurturing and caring. This is why children need a mother and a father – a strong male role model and a strong female role model. Fathers, in particular, are needed now more than ever. Young girls need a father figure to know what to look for in a man; Young boys need a father figure to know how to act and how to treat women with respect. Yet fatherlessness is increasing, and as a result of family breakdown, children are twice as likely to end up failing in school, and twice as likely to end up in prison or on the streets. As Christians, it is our duty to remind our society of the importance of family.
“Go forth and multiply,” God tells us. Over and over in the Bible, he repeats this message. It is our duty to populate the nation with good Christian families. To get married and to have children for the greater glory of God.
We’ve touched on quite a few topics here, but to summarise, Britain is a great country; it is the fruit of the greatest Empire on earth. That is because it is the fruit of Christendom. Christian values are universally good. We need to remind ourselves of those values as often as possible and demonstrate them to our fellow Brits. We have to shine as a guiding light in the ever-darkening world around us. In doing so, we will lead people to Christ. He is our salvation, and if we truly love our British brothers and sisters, we will lead them to Him so that they may have eternal life in Him.
Beautifully written, gets right to the point, and elucidates why we experience so much deep sorrow watching Evil dismantle such a great country. Civilization takes strong leaders generations to build, and can dissolve in just a few decades.
Thank God for Britain, for their historic efforts to civilize the World. Some see those efforts as wrong and Evil, but step back and you will understand the Good done, at great cost. Imagine the World without Britain and you will shudder.
I truly believe that the British people, where my roots are, will wake up over the next 5 years and begin to push back, change laws and elect upright leaders who are full of Christian love, charity and culture. William will be a strong, upright leader as was his grandmother. God save the King.
Father Calvin Robinson again you say clearly all that we need to know and practice in a down to earth simple clear way easy to understand with common sense behind And I’ve found in life God and all that Jesus Christ God says is common sense though often very deep as well It’s really good to hear you bringing hope into Britain in your words I’ve been feeling very negative recently with everything happening in this country though I’m clinging to Jesus God and also following the song One day at a time sweet Jesus to live my life and not fear too much about the future Thank you 🙏 again for the positive words and encouragement you write it really helps and makes one consider more than just what we hear on the media etc XGod blessx and keep you safe and hope all goes well with your plans and life