Jun 22, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Thank you Fr. Calvin for another insightful article.

I live in the US where post Dobbs a number of states have enacted laws lifting any restrictions on abortion, including denial of medical care for the infant survivors of botched abortions.

What we are seeing is, in reality, a return to human sacrifice. Just as the ancient Canaanites sacrificed their children to Moloch, today children are sacrificed on the altar of selfishness and convenience.

Where this leads is horrific to contemplate. Euthanasia of the elderly and disabled? Genocide of disfavored populations?

Lord Jesus please come soon!

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Agreed. A great book to understand the time we're living in is 'Return of the Gods' by Jonathan Cahn. It's time to cry out to God as never before.

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I haven't read the book but I did listen to Rabbi Cahn's discussion of it. I believe he may be on to something.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Two things:

* the WHO will be the perfect cover for all nations as their recommendations changed a few weeks ago to include full term abortion until just after birth as reproductive rights

* the conversation re abortion has shifted from whether or not the foetus is human (and at what stage that is true) to whether or not they are a person. And personhood becomes a handy mechanism to kill more than just the unborn!

Lord have mercy on us! Our society will have much to answer for. We truly are being handed over as spoken of in Romans. We have become masters of calling good evil and evil good.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

As a student nurse, back in the '80s, I was doing my Theatre placement. I was given a choice to watch an abortion or not. I chose not to. Many of my colleagues did but wished they hadn't. Perhaps if folk saw what actually took place, minds and hearts might have a different viewpoint. But I wonder if hearts and minds are now so calloused that it would not make a jot of difference. Only His precious Blood can wash us clean of this heinous sin. Holy Spirit bring us to true repentance and forgiveness.

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Sadly Australia already allows abortion to birth, no pain relief for babies aborted and if the abortion is botched some States don’t allow the medical staff to care for the baby, they leave the baby to die. It’s utterly horrific.

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Insane. Yet they want to remove Margaret Court’s name from Melbourne Park sue to her Christian beliefs.

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Oh my goodness. That is horrendous.

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Same for Canada. An utter abomination.

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I had heard of this case but never realized that the baby was at this very late stage of development. This is shocking and can only be seen as murder. I do not agree with the mantra that some woman come out with 'my body'. I think the baby has rights as do fathers that seem to be ignored so often. There are occasions where people may feel an abortion is acceptable as in rape, incest, severe handicap and danger to the mothers life. In this case it appears as though it was murder at such a late stage. No decent and civil society can allow such behaviour to become a norm or free choice and it is a crime and a jail term is appropriate. I do not know of the woman's mental health I should add however. Shame on those who protest and they need to do some serious soul searching! What sort of morality do they have? Little it appears. This sort of protest amply demonstrates why assisted suicide carries many risks. Perhaps there issues I am unaware in this case with the mother but a general you can do anything as a woman is totally unacceptable and immoral. There are many people who would adopt a baby.

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While I agree with your view, Fr Robinson, that life begins at conception, I am still not convinced that there are never sound moral grounds for abortion in exceptional cases. A not insignificant number of babies are stillborn due to genetic abnormalities that we now have the ability to detect at an early stage in the pregnancy. Surely, if a doctor can accurately identify such an instance, it is better to abort the fetus early rather than allow the mother to undergo the distressing experience of giving birth to a dead child. And once one has opened Pandora’s box, there will be others who raise additional ‘exceptions’ to what seems like a clean moral principle. I am not a woman and I have never been placed in the situation of having to make the distressing choice of how to deal with an unplanned pregnancy. As with all human actions, that choice is best left to the mother. It is for God to judge if her choice is the right one. We all have free will and it is not always clear what is God’s will.

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U.S. still allowing 'Murder of Infants in the Womb' on demand in many states. Alternately, roughly 30 have placed limits on this heinous act at roughly six weeks via laws defined, "Heart Beat Laws". Many have greatly reduced this evil to 12 weeks or less. Many women taking the 'Murder in the Womb' pills to deliver whole and viable babies into the toilet only to be psychologically scarred for life.

It's changing....But, not very quickly. Estimates for birth in states where laws have been altered in favor of babies has been noted to increase by 50% while 'Murder in the Womb' has also increased in states near those areas to also increase by 15 to 25%.

This evil is going to be difficult to beat in this day and age of Moloch Worship.

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22 June 2023

Thank you for the list of organizations that try to prevent abortion albeit you overlooked HUMAN LIFE INTERNATIONAL; and for agreeing with Catholic teaching that LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION and your general concern with this issue.

As PRO Life covers a whole syndrome of issues, I would like to propose a 'PROPER' PRO LIFE SLOGAN. Namely,




The above covers the most wide-spread abuse of PRO Life, namely CONTRACEPTION. St Augustine even protested that a contraceptive act was not the marriage act!

As your views tend to be more Roman Catholic than the education and practice of many of those who know no better than to call themselves Catholic (priests included), I would be very interested in knowing what you think about the above.

Like many others, I have not been able to understand why you have not become a Roman Catholic. You would be very welcome as I'm sure you know by a certain 'faction' of us.

Yours Sincerely,

In love of Christ,

Margaret Pearson (Mrs)

PS Not a theologian, and with but niche knowledge, and /but very concerned by the bad, as opposed to the good, things happening in the Church -- the only one founded by Christ which needed reform at the time of the Reformation. Instead, there was the forming of new denominations -- now in the hundreds if not thousands. But please excuse me, you most likely know MUCH more about these things than I do.

Thank you for your clear speaking on so many issues where you take very Roman Catholic positions.


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Are folk aware that foetal tissue may be used in research. See


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Perhaps knowing that your baby’s tissues might be send in research might give concern. See link below


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I am also deeply concerned about legalising late abortions. The mantra ‘my body my choice’ is used as if that were the ONLY legitimate consideration. The choice regarding this baby was taken some time back when this baby began and if it was not wanted then it seems that freely given abortions might be being used as a gruesome form of contraception.

Others to consider in this situation, as you say, is the life of the unborn child, the wishes of the baby’s father.

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Logically life had one beginning (the word or the word as enacted by the process of evolution of biological information) as it is a life cycle with the last generation shuffling out of it, a life is a union of two lives in which there is poetry that this is an unbroken chain from the beginning of the origin of life, conception is the first time that union is vulnerable and natural perterbations take place but conscious ending of a matter freely chosen or willed upon one even undermines sanctity and 40 weeks of one life for the sake of a whole life shows the nonsense of the famous violin conjecture and the standpoint of conception as a milestone in then journey that brings us back home as an origin as a single cell

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