
UKIP, Reclaim and the SDP have accepted the offer to chat. Reform and Heritage have declined.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

That, right there is why we always end up voting for the least bad option. The egos always get in the way of alliences.

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Hopefully they will reconsider. Really goes to show where their priorities lie though. Also, we need more main steam media talking about the central banking digital currency. It can't be allowed to happed. And also so reasoning as why the main stream media won't talk about the UN agenda 2030/50

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Father Calvin, the English Constitution Party are the only real way to stop globalisation and regionalisation of England, why do you ignore the English the greatest but suppressed political entity in Britain? Britain is an Island not a Country. British is a political union not a nationality.

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Completely support you Calvin. I hope this works. Reform should reconsider and accept this. Best of luck to you and everyone.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

We live in a two party power sharing state. Both parties have become arrogant and complacent. They ignore the electorate, or worse trying to overturn the choice of the electorate. Both parties need to be gone.

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Your voting in a single party "British" the only way to return to true English democracy is an English Parliament, distributed county governance, districts and parishes, governance by the people for the people. It is what the globalists fear most.

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The Parliamentary Tories ignored the membership and got rid of Boris, Liz Truss won the leadership on the popular vote and the MPs have done everything in their power to rubbish her mini budget even though a lot of economists thought it had a good chance of working. So from this one can only assume these MPs owe their loyalty more to the WEF than the Prime Minister and the Tory Party. I didn't vote for the WEF and won't be voting Tory again until they clear out the traitors who do not represent the voters. We need to have the one united party you are seeking to form and I believe you will have a lot of support.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Absolutely agree though I would widen the net to include vocal campaign groups as well as formal political parties ;)

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Yes, the net absolutely needs widening as far as possible. There are also many high profile individuals, such as Matt Le Tissier, Konstantin Kisin, Peter Whittle, Laura Dodsworth and many others who could make a useful contribution. A sanity party of all the talents.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

And the WEF marches on. Thank goodness you're taking the initiative Calvin. Pretty sure I speak for many but if you need any sort of help, just say

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

At the moment it seems like we are living in a one party state with two factions who are only distinguishable by the colour of their bunting. It's time for a new party. Here's hoping that your chat sparks a radical change in British politics.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

This is the best news I have heard since the pantomime of the last few months. Yes go for it Calvin and I am sure God will lead you. However, it will be hard as I fear the media are evil and will cause mischief - it is all becoming very sinister and worrying now - satan is on the lose - something is not right? God bless you Calvin.

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It's a really interesting question Calvin and has the possibilities of very productive answers and outcomes. To the doubters I suppose the question is what do you have to lose or can you see a better time? I suppose as clergy we work mostly upstream in the culture war, recognising it as a spiritual conflict. How energised would an alliance be to working with people like you and me, namely that conservatism is essentially theological project?

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This seems vital in order to build a coalition that has a chance in the current system. Good luck.

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Thank you. Let's see what happens next.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Oh well done Calvin Robinson that’s a sound plan. Do keep us informed please. Best news today

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Absolutely yes.

There is no alternative for conservatives in Britain. As it is we get socialists or socialists.

I’d be honoured to stand with you. Keep up the good work 🙏🏼

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AD 69 saw the year of the four Roman Emperors, we now have the year of the four Chancellors.

I see the next general elections will be hung parliaments as the Torys and Labour both share the same politics. There is no water between them. Bringing together the minor conservative parties may put a pressure on the Overton window to move rightwards, but may not be enough for an outright win.

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Labour is terrifyingly ant-libertarian and mindlessly opportunist - if we see how much damage has been done in 3 years imagine what could be done in 5

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There is a desperate need to build a new opposition but it has to be *new*, rather than an attempted agglomeration of existing parties. If the project succeeds the existing small(ish) parties, or at least their members, will gravitate towards the new opposition.

Central to this project is that the new political party which must: (a) have a programme that challenges the mainstream, & (b) take seriously the training of its members. (a) cannot be sustained without (b).

Last May I outlined my thoughts here: https://jonholb.com/wheres-the-populist-party/ My arguments are even more relevant now.

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Please don't resort to immature naming and shaming tactics. Rise above it and bring Christ Jesus into the equation at all times. Biblical and family values. You'll have my vote then. Just rise above slander and bitchiness.

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No bitchiness and slander, only truth and transparency. That is Biblical. I’m not a politician, I’m not after anyones votes, I’m trying to orchestrate unity where it’s needed more than ever.

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People from alternative media outlets should be in government. Patrick Henningsen, Neil Oliver, Mike Robinson, any number of people with a real grasp of what's happening in the world. Along with the above, we might have a chance.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

100 % agree

I've always voted Conservative NEVER again

Time to destroy them and bring on a real centre right political party

If electing Labour is the path to that then we must vote Labour

no pain no gain

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

I've always thought a third major party would be a good idea. The Liberals very nearly made this happen but faltered because they have only one core policy: to make the UK part of the EU. One-issue parties don't last.

People fed up with the present day Conservative party ofen say they will leave it and/or not vote at all - which just lets Labour in (with or without an alliance of equally anti-UK parties).

The alliance Calvin is talking to needs to be joined by real conservatives, including ones from the Conservative Party.

A new party would need a good name - a bad one gets easily ridiculed - and a focus on all the issues that the current two big parties are ignoring. The Channel boats, to name the most immediate one. Borders matter, and should be defended (ask the Ukrainians). No true conservative wants the UK to be merged with the EU, the idea of a party with "re-joiners" in it is anthema to us.

The current 2 party system makes politics into a game - one team goes in, start playing badly, gets booted out, the other one come in and the same thing happens.

This wouldn't matter if the two 'teams' were different, but now the Tory & Labour parties are so similar, those who are sick of this game need a major third party to emerge - as soon possible.

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