I am not saying we need to rebuild the Empire. I do not think we have the ability anymore, never mind the will. But we could at least attempt to become a self-respecting nation once again.
Amen Calvin. At the age of 82 years and having been born in Great Britain, I have lived through many of those years of which you speak. I am shocked and horrified by what I see today BUT I remain filled with HOPE because I know that God WILL have the final word, so I continue to do what I can in teaching the Scriptures to young children in church and three local Primary Schools, sharing how people now in Heaven taught me when I was their age - and how I grew to love Jesus with all my heart, and look to the day when I can spend eternity with Him in Heaven where I shall continue to intercede for them alongside Jesus who constantly intercedes for us all. Keep up the good work in spreading Truth.
Beautifully articulated Calvin. You are correct, we should all show more backbone and push back against this satanic liberal woke nonsense. And start standing up for traditional and time tested Great British values .
Fabulous as always Calvin. So good to hear a true patriot.. reminding us of the good Britain did. My two grandads both worked down pit in the dark all day with just a little helmet light, with a pickaxe. To get the coal to fuel the trains and the power stations to feed the industry of this nation. And in ruling the seas we also took the Christian gospel everywhere. Our empire wasn't perfect but God used it to do that and to give the world technology... going right back to steam trains which transformed travel in many countries from horse and cart
It's really great being able to receive guidance for daily living through your words, articles and videos! I've appreciated so much understanding better how one can build/Seek to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth 🌎, through the positive parts of Britain's example (which I agree, overall is net positive!) Love and Prosperity she gave to the world, yes. I love Great Britain 🇬🇧! Her people will always be my people, but above all, her God will be my God. Nonetheless, please pray that the Lord helps me discern how to implement/enhance the Kingdom of God in my ethnic country, too 🇳🇬.
Fantastic read as always with wonderful detail. Sadly though the influx of "others" who couldn't case less about our great history has stained our ability to revive Britishness. Once these "others" convince govt to delete God we are destroyed. But then again it's the enemy (satan) who comes to steal, rob & destroy. So Christians/believers must learn to put on the whole armour of God & be prepared to stand for our God & Godly traditions or we will fall. Make Britain great again Repent & Renew! ✝️🙏🏻🕊♥️
Firstly let me say yes the British Empire was not perfect no Empire is but the British Empire did more good than bad. so here are some facts that Jessica needs to take on. Slavery. The British did not invent slavery and Portugal was the largest slave trading country and started long before us. Slavery has gone on since man walked the earth. In Africa slavery was a way of life and in many countries it still is. In fact more people today are enslaved in Africa than ever before. When Britain abolished slavery, which unfortunately was delayed due to having to fight the French, we put a huge effort into fighting it. It cost many lives and a huge amount of money which we have only just paid of. One of the reasons we went into certain African countries was to stop the slave trade as the slave traders were avoiding capture and as a result murdered their slaves. We helped create Sierra Leone for freed slaves. Many Africans welcomed us because he stopped the slave trade and genocide of their tribes. Nigeria has a statue to a 19th century bussinesswoman who was so rich that she could afford her own private army. She is considered a freedom fighter against the British which I find odd as she traded in slaves. I don't see anyone pulling down her statue! I have worked with many Afircans from Southe Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Ghana. I asked them all the same question how do you feel about the British and the British Empire. They all said that life was far better under the British and I gave talks to them about there history including the bad bits and they still remained of the opinion that the British were far better. During our campaign against slavery we bullied, brided and even went to war to stop countries trading in slaves. What other country has done that certainly not African ones. The war of 1812 between America and Great Britain which was a draw. During that war 5000 American slaves crossed over to the British lines. During peace talks the Americans asked for the slaves back and we said NO! Instead we paid for their freedom by paying 1million pounds in compensation. We were under no obligation to do this but we did. In India we stopped the burning of wifes when their husbands were cremated. We stopped slavery. We stopped one of the most vicious gangs in the world the Thugy. We helped create schools, universaties, a civil service, railways, a legal system and kept the warring factions apart. During the 20th centuary we stood up to Germany twice and we bankrupted this country fighting Hitler. Also, the British Empire was designed to eventally disolve itself. After we lost America a report was produced that concluded that eventally the British Empire would have to come to an end. What other country set out to end its Empire? The history of the British Empire is a complex one and a simple lack of history clearly demostrates this by those who just make unfounded ignorant comments.
Amen... Right Now, Our Country, Our Freedoms, our Health our Speech, our Integrity of Education throughout, et etc & our Pride of Patriotism, is being Robbed
I agree with you Father about Making Britain Great Again.. However, having lived in Hongkong, Great Britain having the signed the Sino-British agreement was obliged by law to hand Hongkong back to China.
Yes Father, I agree and I love your aknolagmennts for all 4 of the great nations that make our kingdoms.May I say Father Calvin, in the way way of I believe the great actor Morgan Freeman, if you want to stop the race devide, stop talking about it. In God's grace.
Great article, Calvin. I’m certainly proud of my British heritage - a mixture of English and Irish. Alas, here in Australia, there is much discontent from the usual suspects about colonisation. As I read your article, I see my own nation’s woes.
Amen Calvin. At the age of 82 years and having been born in Great Britain, I have lived through many of those years of which you speak. I am shocked and horrified by what I see today BUT I remain filled with HOPE because I know that God WILL have the final word, so I continue to do what I can in teaching the Scriptures to young children in church and three local Primary Schools, sharing how people now in Heaven taught me when I was their age - and how I grew to love Jesus with all my heart, and look to the day when I can spend eternity with Him in Heaven where I shall continue to intercede for them alongside Jesus who constantly intercedes for us all. Keep up the good work in spreading Truth.
Beautifully articulated Calvin. You are correct, we should all show more backbone and push back against this satanic liberal woke nonsense. And start standing up for traditional and time tested Great British values .
Excellent and profound message as always. A superb narrative that should be extolled by our politicians and leaders.....yet it isn't. Dissapointing.
Fabulous as always Calvin. So good to hear a true patriot.. reminding us of the good Britain did. My two grandads both worked down pit in the dark all day with just a little helmet light, with a pickaxe. To get the coal to fuel the trains and the power stations to feed the industry of this nation. And in ruling the seas we also took the Christian gospel everywhere. Our empire wasn't perfect but God used it to do that and to give the world technology... going right back to steam trains which transformed travel in many countries from horse and cart
Regarding the irrelevance of skin color in determining ethnicity: anyone who regularly deploys whilst in his writing is definitely English.
Dear Calvin 👋🏽, thank you.
It's really great being able to receive guidance for daily living through your words, articles and videos! I've appreciated so much understanding better how one can build/Seek to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth 🌎, through the positive parts of Britain's example (which I agree, overall is net positive!) Love and Prosperity she gave to the world, yes. I love Great Britain 🇬🇧! Her people will always be my people, but above all, her God will be my God. Nonetheless, please pray that the Lord helps me discern how to implement/enhance the Kingdom of God in my ethnic country, too 🇳🇬.
Fantastic read as always with wonderful detail. Sadly though the influx of "others" who couldn't case less about our great history has stained our ability to revive Britishness. Once these "others" convince govt to delete God we are destroyed. But then again it's the enemy (satan) who comes to steal, rob & destroy. So Christians/believers must learn to put on the whole armour of God & be prepared to stand for our God & Godly traditions or we will fall. Make Britain great again Repent & Renew! ✝️🙏🏻🕊♥️
Brilliant piece.
Thank you!
Thank you Calvin. You are my blessing.
Agreed!! I’m in the Navy and everyone in the lower ranks are very demoralized but nothing ever changes.
Thank you for your service, good man.
Make sure you're plugged into the Armed Forces Christian Union Vulkan (join us at the Swindon Gathering in June for some kindred spirit fellowship).
Oh I’m not religious. I just hate the way this country is going as well as our armed forces.
Firstly let me say yes the British Empire was not perfect no Empire is but the British Empire did more good than bad. so here are some facts that Jessica needs to take on. Slavery. The British did not invent slavery and Portugal was the largest slave trading country and started long before us. Slavery has gone on since man walked the earth. In Africa slavery was a way of life and in many countries it still is. In fact more people today are enslaved in Africa than ever before. When Britain abolished slavery, which unfortunately was delayed due to having to fight the French, we put a huge effort into fighting it. It cost many lives and a huge amount of money which we have only just paid of. One of the reasons we went into certain African countries was to stop the slave trade as the slave traders were avoiding capture and as a result murdered their slaves. We helped create Sierra Leone for freed slaves. Many Africans welcomed us because he stopped the slave trade and genocide of their tribes. Nigeria has a statue to a 19th century bussinesswoman who was so rich that she could afford her own private army. She is considered a freedom fighter against the British which I find odd as she traded in slaves. I don't see anyone pulling down her statue! I have worked with many Afircans from Southe Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Ghana. I asked them all the same question how do you feel about the British and the British Empire. They all said that life was far better under the British and I gave talks to them about there history including the bad bits and they still remained of the opinion that the British were far better. During our campaign against slavery we bullied, brided and even went to war to stop countries trading in slaves. What other country has done that certainly not African ones. The war of 1812 between America and Great Britain which was a draw. During that war 5000 American slaves crossed over to the British lines. During peace talks the Americans asked for the slaves back and we said NO! Instead we paid for their freedom by paying 1million pounds in compensation. We were under no obligation to do this but we did. In India we stopped the burning of wifes when their husbands were cremated. We stopped slavery. We stopped one of the most vicious gangs in the world the Thugy. We helped create schools, universaties, a civil service, railways, a legal system and kept the warring factions apart. During the 20th centuary we stood up to Germany twice and we bankrupted this country fighting Hitler. Also, the British Empire was designed to eventally disolve itself. After we lost America a report was produced that concluded that eventally the British Empire would have to come to an end. What other country set out to end its Empire? The history of the British Empire is a complex one and a simple lack of history clearly demostrates this by those who just make unfounded ignorant comments.
Amen... Right Now, Our Country, Our Freedoms, our Health our Speech, our Integrity of Education throughout, et etc & our Pride of Patriotism, is being Robbed
May I also add, Make Canada British Again
I agree with you Father about Making Britain Great Again.. However, having lived in Hongkong, Great Britain having the signed the Sino-British agreement was obliged by law to hand Hongkong back to China.
Yes Father, I agree and I love your aknolagmennts for all 4 of the great nations that make our kingdoms.May I say Father Calvin, in the way way of I believe the great actor Morgan Freeman, if you want to stop the race devide, stop talking about it. In God's grace.
Great article, Calvin. I’m certainly proud of my British heritage - a mixture of English and Irish. Alas, here in Australia, there is much discontent from the usual suspects about colonisation. As I read your article, I see my own nation’s woes.