I'll second that. Also pleased to see you ditched the hair for ordination, cool on a private dude, but a distraction from Our Lord's ministry which at the altar most especially should not detract from Him IN THE SLIGHTEST.
Warmest congratulations on your ordination. I'm a Roman Catholic, who attends both Novus Ordo and Latin Masses, and have very little time for the current Vatican incumbent. We've had many bad popes, but this one seems hell-and I use the word advisedly- bent on destruction of the Church he's been entrusted to guide. This article was an important help to understand Catholic Anglicanism. Our English Martyrs, like St Oliver Plunkett whose feast day was this Sunday may may not entirely agree with your thesis, but those days are long past. Our Western society is in such a mess, that we don't have the luxury of infighting.
Oliver Plunket 😅never seen him mentioned in the bible. Catholicism is pagan a cult. Nothing whatsoever to do with Biblical Christianity!.🙄 Investigate for yourself .
No we are not. The CofE is a state invention to satisfy the lust of a heretical despot. There is only one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church led by the successor of St Peter in Rome.
Congratulations, Fr. Calvin. I don't agree with all of your theology, but I also believe that unity in the church is an essential goal.
I would take issue with how you framed the Reformation, since Luther and others did not leave the Catholic church, but were kicked out. I don't see how they had much of a choice in "leaving Rome."
But perhaps that's better left for another time. For now, congratulations.
"Not sure I agree about unity." That is a core tenet of the Christian faith. I don't know any denominations that do not pray for Christian unity every Sunday.
"Doctrine is important." We are all in agreement there.
"We cannot bury conscience to be united." Again, we are agreed. If you think I am saying otherwise, you are missing my point.
I think we agree on more than we disagree on. Disagreement isn't always bad.
I definitely get that. Ideally, we would be (and one day will be) unified IN right doctrine, and I don't think we should compromise doctrine to achieve unity. But we should also recognize that not all doctrines are important enough to divide on (look up theological triage if you haven't heard of it), and we can have some level of unity with fellow Christians, even if we disagree on second- or third-order doctrines.
Congratulations brother. We need more priests in the trenches living the faith. Armed with the cross and the rosary let us save souls by bringing them to Christ. Wonderful explanation of our journey. Strive for the faith. Deus Vult.
Also, wonderful picture at the end of a beautiful catholic family. Forgive the pride, they are my parishioners here at St Charles King and Martyr. Know we in St Charles (Huntsville, Alabama) are praying for you and your ministry.
Fr Robinson, as a Roman Catholic in Ireland, I recognise you as a true priest. I have more respect for you than for the Pope because he has basically turned Pagan (if anyone doubts this, look at the footage of him worshipping the Pachamama and performing a pagan ritual on the altar of St Peter's, or read his comments in which he claims all religions are the same - which amount to syncretism). While I still recognise the Pope as head of the Roman Catholic Church, I feel he is make terrible errors. I feel privileged to have come across you, by chance, on TV (GB News, which I used to watch before they sacked you and turned into the Home of Cancel Culture & propaganda wing of the Israeli Government). I would love to see you in conversation with Bishop Schneider and Cardinal Burke, or speaking at the Cafe Theology events organised by the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore in Ireland.
Amen! May the Lord bless you and your ministry- great to read your post - appreciate your heart and clarity- I love the pursuit of unity of all believers to reflect Him more fully in our world today - your brother in Kentucky is praying for you!
Father Robinson. May God Richly bless you and all you put your hands to do!
As a "Rad Trad" I am naturally going to disagree with a lot of what you have said.
Personally though I would always prefer to focus on what we agree on. In that spirit I wish you every blessing in your new ministry.
I respect that.
I'll second that. Also pleased to see you ditched the hair for ordination, cool on a private dude, but a distraction from Our Lord's ministry which at the altar most especially should not detract from Him IN THE SLIGHTEST.
I have to disagree. I loved the 'fro and hope to see it again someday. :P
Just saw him in an interview and he looked quite nice with short hair, as well.
What ever he looked like or wore. He is not a Catholic and the so called ‘ordination’ is defective , null and utterly void.
that I decrease so that He may increase.
I struggled too.
God speed, good and faithful servant.
God bless you, Father Robinson
Warmest congratulations on your ordination. I'm a Roman Catholic, who attends both Novus Ordo and Latin Masses, and have very little time for the current Vatican incumbent. We've had many bad popes, but this one seems hell-and I use the word advisedly- bent on destruction of the Church he's been entrusted to guide. This article was an important help to understand Catholic Anglicanism. Our English Martyrs, like St Oliver Plunkett whose feast day was this Sunday may may not entirely agree with your thesis, but those days are long past. Our Western society is in such a mess, that we don't have the luxury of infighting.
Best wishes for your ministry.
His ministry is rightfully GONE. His license revoked. Congrats. Now he’s just a cult leader. God prevailed.
Oliver Plunket 😅never seen him mentioned in the bible. Catholicism is pagan a cult. Nothing whatsoever to do with Biblical Christianity!.🙄 Investigate for yourself .
I never heard of Martin Luther mentioned in scripture either - dullard…
Ok stay brainwashed 🙄😅 you're blocked.
??? No idea what you're talking about 🤔
Congratulations and thank you for writing this.
Theologically, I struggle to fit into the denominations. I’ve started calling myself an orthodox catholic Anglican.
I see myself as part of the orthodox Church in England and have a catholic perspective.
There is one Church in England. We may have different styles, but we are One.
No we are not. The CofE is a state invention to satisfy the lust of a heretical despot. There is only one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church led by the successor of St Peter in Rome.
Well said, Father Robinson! For the unity of the Church!
Congratulations, Father! God bless you!
Praying for you. Congratulations
Thank you - that was fascinating. What a clear explanation of a rather complex state of affairs.
Congratulations and best wishes!
Congratulations, Fr. Calvin. I don't agree with all of your theology, but I also believe that unity in the church is an essential goal.
I would take issue with how you framed the Reformation, since Luther and others did not leave the Catholic church, but were kicked out. I don't see how they had much of a choice in "leaving Rome."
But perhaps that's better left for another time. For now, congratulations.
I also struggled with that area. Not sure I agree about unity. Doctrine is important. We cannot bury conscience to be united.
"Not sure I agree about unity." That is a core tenet of the Christian faith. I don't know any denominations that do not pray for Christian unity every Sunday.
"Doctrine is important." We are all in agreement there.
"We cannot bury conscience to be united." Again, we are agreed. If you think I am saying otherwise, you are missing my point.
I think we agree on more than we disagree on. Disagreement isn't always bad.
The trouble is mostly it’s unity at all costs and we leave our brain at the door. It’s unity respecting differences. It’s an overused term these days.
I definitely get that. Ideally, we would be (and one day will be) unified IN right doctrine, and I don't think we should compromise doctrine to achieve unity. But we should also recognize that not all doctrines are important enough to divide on (look up theological triage if you haven't heard of it), and we can have some level of unity with fellow Christians, even if we disagree on second- or third-order doctrines.
Absolutely this. Keith gets it.
True but In today’s work even in the Christian sphere in city becomes a way of burying conscience.
Congratulations brother. We need more priests in the trenches living the faith. Armed with the cross and the rosary let us save souls by bringing them to Christ. Wonderful explanation of our journey. Strive for the faith. Deus Vult.
Also, wonderful picture at the end of a beautiful catholic family. Forgive the pride, they are my parishioners here at St Charles King and Martyr. Know we in St Charles (Huntsville, Alabama) are praying for you and your ministry.
They are a wonderful family, and I am looking forward to having lunch with them tomorrow. You've done a great job catechising.
I am looking forward to joining your parish again next year, Father.
MR Brown Catholicism is not Christian.
Fr Robinson, as a Roman Catholic in Ireland, I recognise you as a true priest. I have more respect for you than for the Pope because he has basically turned Pagan (if anyone doubts this, look at the footage of him worshipping the Pachamama and performing a pagan ritual on the altar of St Peter's, or read his comments in which he claims all religions are the same - which amount to syncretism). While I still recognise the Pope as head of the Roman Catholic Church, I feel he is make terrible errors. I feel privileged to have come across you, by chance, on TV (GB News, which I used to watch before they sacked you and turned into the Home of Cancel Culture & propaganda wing of the Israeli Government). I would love to see you in conversation with Bishop Schneider and Cardinal Burke, or speaking at the Cafe Theology events organised by the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore in Ireland.
Good grief Calvin...heavy duty reading. The best of luck.
Amen! May the Lord bless you and your ministry- great to read your post - appreciate your heart and clarity- I love the pursuit of unity of all believers to reflect Him more fully in our world today - your brother in Kentucky is praying for you!
Your Lutheran brother greets you in the Lord and is grateful for your strong voice for the gospel and the truth in society.