Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all biblically masculine. Who are we to argue with God? Accepting the gospel as it is is an act of faith. Accepting creation versus evolution equally is to embrace the written inspired Word of God. The Bible must not be tampered with. Adding or subtracting or generally altering the Bible to suit ourselves is sin.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

I do not have a problem with seeing God as my Heavenly father. I lost my own father when I was very young and so I believe that God looked down and saw a boy who had lost his Dad and moved people around. Then I arrived at church and God necame my Heavenly Father. People such as Steven Cotterell are looking for problems when there arw none to find

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Not only is this the way God commanded us to address Him, but this can begin the healing process for those people whose earthly fathers were either absent or abusive! They will learn to see how a father is supposed to be and contrast that with the absent or abusive earthly one they had in this life.

These "woke" cultists are insufferable.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

I find it ironic that the acronym for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion movement is DEI, which is Latin for the plural form of the word "God".

They are clearly fearful enough of the worldwide Muslim faith so as not to call their movement "EID". And to call it "DIE"? No, their manmade religion mocks God by calling it DEI, a god in all its forms and permutations.

I pray for the lost but am shaken by the thought it may already be too late for many.

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Counterfeit and demonic

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Cannot change the word of God to fit a human comfort level. There are just some things we cannot argue with, change or control.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Excellent piece on a tragic developmemt in tbe Church of England.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Thank you Fr Calvin for speaking up against this flood of insanity. I'm a latecomer to the church at 37, and I find your words are a comfort. Regarding the CoE "Archbishop", the Bible warns us about these false teachers. "You will recognize them by their fruit" - Matthew 7:15.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

You are not a late comer, you have been awakened once you were ready. July 2020 was the starting point for me, I was 38.There has been an acceleration of awakening the last three years, it is no coincidence. I would be interested to hear what started your spiritual journey.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

"The enemy has a vast grip, but the Lord is stronger. Woke will lose because it is not founded in truth."

This comment in the article is heartsome. The present state of the UK church and the country, in general, is despairing...the Lord is Sovereign and He holds the whole universe in the palm of His hand.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

I saw a headline this week saying something like this, 'which denomination will collapse first?' The Church of England is falling off a cliff and those priests who are faithful to God are leaving in droves. No wonder when the hierarchy are moving further and further away from the Word of God. What they are saying, doing and allowing is a stench in the nostrils of God. I pray for conviction and repentance for them for it is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God.

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I gave up a certification I worked hard for recently because the organization was pushing an inclusive language. This is the premier birth doula organization. We weren’t supposed to use the words “women, mother or breastfeeding” anymore. I have been hurt and angry about it all week, but it is a small thing compared to this.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Amen, Calvin!

All one needs to do is listen to what these “Church” officials/clergy are saying & measure it against God’s Word (& basic biology which affirms God’s Word), & that makes it pretty easy to discern who in fact is a believer & who is not.

We are called to affirm the truth - not to be silent against the promulgation of lies - as most of the German people were during the Nazi era. We can learn from what happened then, as the parallels to present day are so strong. Silence emboldens a monster (in this case the ideological monster). We are to speak the truth ‘in season and out of season’, & whether others receive it or not. To speak the truth in love.


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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Amen. God in no way resembles our earthly fathers. He is transcendent and shows us His perfect nature. That is what is so great about about being a Christian. There are warnings to those who would add to or alter scripture.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

in related news, The Anglican Church of Canada just released on official blessing for gender transitions


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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

Wow! I have no words for that.....

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

What this MAN (Stephen Cottrell ) is in my view "Deliberating" Misleading The Public & Hopping about To The Tunes of the globalists & other Cults. The “Father” in Our Farther "In Heaven" has NOTHING to do with Abusive Earthly fathers or any other fathers on earth. In "Heaven" is exactly The point & Anyone who might have had a BAD father, should rest in the peace that there is a Father in HEAVEN. I am So disappointed in the hierarchy of the church of England & anyone within the church supporting such virtue signallings which his in fact becoming a CULT in it's own right within the Church. We Need a Breakaway from the church as these folks will NOT change. They are fully aware of what they doing & what they are doing is NOT Christian. very disappointed. ( & I am a church member who is nOT looking up to these folks )

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Thank You Calvin!

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Fr Calvin Robinson

The truth is they have lost their faith, assuming they ever had it!

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