The Methodist Church turns away from Christianity in favour of Marxism.
The Methodist Church brands terms 'husband' and 'wife' offensive.
The Methodist Church has branded the terms husband and wife offensive.
Ministers have been told to avoid using such terms as it “conveys an assumption that is not the reality for many people.” Living in grace is not a reality for many people. Should we avoid using the word grace?
It is difficult to get one’s head around the idea that ministers should stop using particular words in case a minority of people find them offensive. The question has to be asked, so what? There are many people who find the Bible offensive, should we throw it out altogether? Of course not, the suggestion is preposterous. But so is the idea of no longer using regular English terms like husband and wife, which have clear and unoffensive meanings.
Decisions like this often arise from the top of an organisation, from leaders who want to appear liberal and progressive, and from HR departments that want to appear more ‘inclusive’. We must pray for the poor souls in the congregations who have this nonsense pushed on them, and we can only hope they leave the heretical institution of Methodism, which calls itself a Church, and that the faithful masses find themselves a good local parish with sound teaching – as difficult as that is, these days.
These leaders and decision-makers are either being deceived or they are deceivers themselves. The word husband means a married man, and wife means a married woman. Even that is unhelpful when the world refuses to acknowledge the ordinary meanings of the words man and woman.
There is nothing inclusive about excluding the traditional use of the English language. Refusing to use benign words through fear of offence is not helpful to anyone and, in fact, excludes far a greater number of people than it includes.
But where is all of this coming from? This manipulation of our language and erasure of our Christian values? Marxism.
The school of thought identified as Critical Theories is a contemporary take on Marxism and the theories of Karl Marx. This neo-Marxism is an amended, extended and adapted form of Marxism to deal with 20th/21st century worldviews.
Liberals would argue that in order to be inclusive, one must acknowledge alternative lifestyles. We must take on board that some lifestyles do not include a husband and a wife but rather two husbands or two wives. In some cases, we are even seeing a push towards polygamy, not only breaking down the heterosexual element of marriage but also the equally important monogamous aspect.
But where Liberalism forces the expansion of what is appropriate or acceptable in a contemporary setting, Marxism forces the overriding or replacement of what is appropriate or acceptable. Liberals would say that disordered lifestyles are equal to ordered lifestyles, whereas Marxists would go a step further and say disorder must replace order. Liberalism is the entry mechanism for Marxism, which is quite literally evil, undermining God’s order.
Liberalism teaches that heteronormativity is an option among other options. Marxism, via the Critical Theories, teaches that heteronormativity must be destroyed. The phrase ‘smash heteronormativity’ is often used by proponents of Queer Theory, Gender Theory, and even Critical Race Theory.
When the Methodist Church says ministers should no longer use the terms husband and wife, it is showing support for Marxism by partaking in the smashing of heteronormativity. To replace God’s order with the devil’s disorder. At the very least, the Methodist Church is saying it is more afraid of the world than it is of God.
The problem is clear. It is not possible to be both a communist and a Christian.
One must make a choice: God’s way or the way of the world. To embrace the toxic and divisive ideology of neo-Marxism or to embrace God’s order. The two are mutually exclusive. It seems the Methodist Church has made its choice. Unfortunately, it chose wrong.
In 2021, the Methodist Church voted in favour of same-sex weddings, even though – as I pointed out in my Oxford Union debate - same-sex marriage is not possible in the Church. But then, for a Church that does not recognise the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, what does it matter? Well, it matters because words have meaning. Marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman. Holy Matrimony is that lifelong union of one man and one woman joined in union by God’s grace. Whilst a marriage in the Methodist Church might lack sacramental graces, it should still remain a heterosexual monogamous union. Again, if they are to remove the heterosexual aspect, why not the monogamous, too? Marriage in the Methodist Church means something entirely different. God’s order has been undermined. The ‘anything goes’ of Liberalism has resorted to Marxism.
It could be argued the devil uses Liberalism to pry open the hatches in order to squeeze Marxism in, which is a direct attack on God’s order. Neither of these are good and, therefore, should be avoided by any institution which calls itself a Church.
It is time for Churches to stop pandering to minority communities, or even majority communities, under the name of ‘inclusivity.’ The Church is naturally inclusive since its purpose is to lead sinners to Christ, and we are all of us, sinners. Everyone is welcome at Church, but the clincher that really triggers the Liberals and frustrates the Marxists is that we are not welcome to come and remain as we are. We are welcome to come to Church and be changed through an encounter with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We are invited to join His Body and enter Communion with Him, which requires sacrifice. “God loves you unconditionally”, reads the bio of the Methodist Church on Twitter. That may be, but entry to his Heavenly Kingdom is not. We are called to repent of our sins and follow Christ. We must be baptised in water and the Holy Spirit; we must die to ourselves and live in Christ. We cannot hold on to whatever worldly values we have picked up. Diversity, inclusion and equity are not Christian virtues; we cannot keep the labels we have given ourselves. There is no such thing as gay, trans or black; we cannot hold onto the world and Christ at the same time – we must choose which one we want to embrace. Choose Christ.
Marxism is anti-Christian. To be Marxist, is to be anti-Logos.
Marxists don’t believe in Objective Reality.
Reality (in their framework) is based upon who has the greatest power to impose their subjective worldview on everyone else. Normally this is political power.
Christians believe reality exists outside of the human experience. It derives from God, not from the group who has the biggest influence in a society.
We call sin a virtue as George Herbert says. The Bible is clear and we do no one any favours confirming them in their sin. Heterosexual, monogamous marriage is the only kind of marriage. God’s church has no business in dabbling in this political nonsense . We have to come out of the world.