Marxism is anti-Christian. To be Marxist, is to be anti-Logos.

Marxists don’t believe in Objective Reality.

Reality (in their framework) is based upon who has the greatest power to impose their subjective worldview on everyone else. Normally this is political power.

Christians believe reality exists outside of the human experience. It derives from God, not from the group who has the biggest influence in a society.

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We call sin a virtue as George Herbert says. The Bible is clear and we do no one any favours confirming them in their sin. Heterosexual, monogamous marriage is the only kind of marriage. God’s church has no business in dabbling in this political nonsense . We have to come out of the world.

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Exactly! Christ himself said in John 17:14

'I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. '

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One would have hoped that losing an entire continent, Africa, would have made the UMC leaders pause, at least, but alas. What we call the Methodist denomination now will continue to shrink and disappear and, in 100 years, if Our Lord doesn't return first, what they will call the Methodist denomination will be those Christians in Africa and elsewhere who remained firm.

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It is called the Global Methodist Church

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For crying out loud…

This is what happens when the Word of God stops bring peached by ministers with a genuine fire in their bellies for Christ.

Appalling, sad, news,

Pray for them.

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John Wesley is rolling in his grave.

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I do so want to support Calvin. But am strapped for cash at present. I cannot for the life of me think why GBNews cast you off.

I fear for Christianity the way Anglican leaders are going. Love and new year greetings to you. Xx

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In the US there is considerable pushback against the United Methodist Church due to there progressive, unholy views.

Many congregations have left the UMC and formed their own churches based on biblical truth.

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Good to hear from you again Calvin. Miss you on GBNews. I wonder what John Wesley would make of this? The Word of God says that the fear of man is a snare. We are so afraid of upsetting folk but Jesus offended many but He did not deviate from His truth. Very soon there will be few churches to attend for the good Word of the Lord. I see micro churches springing up - folk meeting in small groups in homes. Quality not quantity and of one heart and mind.

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We are witnessing the extreme infiltration of enemies into the western institutions not suspected before Trump's victory over the enemy's Clinton Crime Family puppet in 2016 and the enemy's attack with the EUA Countermeasures which are really Ai/Bioweapon Injections camouflaged as 'Vaccines'.

In becoming aware; we can now act to eradicate the enemy or continue to allow it to grow and prosper by infesting the world with it's poisons and Psy-Ops lies and propaganda more completely. IT'S ALL OUR CHOICE.

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“God loves you unconditionally.” I’ve come to struggle with this notion. To start, this is not stated in scripture; it is derived from it.

And It may be true in so many ways, but in so many other ways, I think it not true in the least. This idea has presently been perverted to mean Gods’s love is so vast that it matters not what we do. That’s a lie. It matters. While His love may call to us and endure with us for a time in our rebellion, His patience may also run out.

“Behold today is the day of salvation.”

And I will surmise that is because tomorrow His patience might just run out with you and me. It’s not for me to say. But: “repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” And “it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance.”

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My spirit will not strive with man forever. Whatsoever a man soweth he shall also reap.

I will have mercy upon whom I shall have mercy.

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Yes. Exactly. We do well to take in the whole of God’s revelation on who he is, not just the parts we like. God’s love is indeed forever fixed in Christ. “Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ.”

But “in Christ” is the key consideration since there is plenty we can do to separate ourselves from Christ.

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I have friends who are a lesbian couple. One grew up/ is nondenominational Christian and the other grew up/ is Roman Catholic. They have been attending a Methodist church since they were able to live together and were married by a Methodist pastor, a ceremony I attended because I love my friends dearly. That is to say, I've heard about the growing schism among the Methodist church for the past couple years despite being a Roman Catholic myself. What really gets me about this stuff, especially with my friends in mind, is that they (being homosexual women who are reasonable and sane) would be offended to not be known as each other's wife and having a wife each; they're wife and wife and have been thrilled of that since their wedding.

I know that many would argue it isn't a real marriage which I obviously understand, but I'm getting at the point that many gay folk do not stand for these things either. I make this point, too, as a woman who was engaged to another woman in the past too and tends to be more easily attracted to women by far than men.

But what is there to do? Speak up to promote truth, but I don't know that churches who succumb to these things can be saved and I think we should ask if they should be. For Christians there was never meant to be multiple denominations, perhaps a few various rites that are all legitimate, but different denominations weren't meant to be and has (arguably) grown into a disaster that Martin Luther himself would regret if he only knew! Perhaps this is how Christians get back to a unified force; they either fall away or return to their source material as a stronger, larger whole again.

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The TRUTH is wholly represented in scripture and remains THE TRUTH despite fractional differences. As to your Martin Luther reference, his intention was not to create or inspire heretic religious offshoots, it was only to point out and be true to Gods Holy word. Confused sexuality was never his intent.

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The people of California rejected homosexual marriage when it was first presented to them. Bureaucrats pushed it through anyway. Now we have transbolchevik speech police of maximum intolerance showing us the early chapters of the rising Orwellian hell they are paving. Bolshevism started small too. Now think hard about the lines in the sand where you will have to fight or flee. In the meantime brainstorm and experiment with approaches where you can locally, regionally or nationally act as “grains of sand poured in to wreck their machineries”. It does not take massive amount of sand to wreck even a huge engine.

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It only takes a few crooks controlling a centralized (ergo corrupted) vote counting system. California has been the test case for this aspect of the color revolution as well.

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There are other Methodist Churches that are no longer United Methodist for example Global Methodist Churches and they don’t redefine the Bible like this article suggests.

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I find your construct of liberalism (in its modern form) as the gateway drug to Marxism appealing. Liberalism in the Church starts by trying to create doctrine based on the tails of every bell curve and the Marxists can then crawl out of their demonic holes and take hold of the tail, call it the center of the curve and declare it the new normal. Classic Hegelian dialect.

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I should clarify this is appealing from an explanatory context, not for its application!!

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I appreciate your fearless defense of Truth.

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Amen. As we say in many 12 Step programs in the US, "Denial is not a river in Egypt." John 8:31-32

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

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