Love it!! Gave our donation all the way from Kentucky! Will be praying

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Keep your fake selfserving "religion " in the USA. And keep this fool as well, he's left Britain because he knows there's plenty of gift to be done on the wrong side of the pond

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Donated. Thanks for highlighting. Hope we can preserve Torsa for Christendom. Will the owner still sell if we can't raise enough money?

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As a Roman Catholic I say this is a fantastic idea! The early monks would do exactly that: find a remote place to live, worship God and do missionary work. You can find traces all across Britain of former monasteries and holy men and women from the early middle ages. God bless you Calvin! I believe your apostolate will be more effective if you/your community return to the Roman Catholic Church, the true Mother Church. Praying for this project and the unity of the Church - One Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church! May Britain be the pioneer of the revival of the Catholic faith...

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Thank you for your prayers, I appreciate your support. But I am not apostate. If you would like the Vatican to partake in a similar project, great, I would love to see it. Unfortunately, they are working in the opposite direction at the moment. The last thing I saw was in 2017 when they sold off Florentine Church land to Mohammedans to build the first mosque in Florence. So, they could do with your prayers, too.

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Hi Calvin, sorry that was a typo! APOSTOLATE is the correct word (just edited in message above). I agree with you that the current papacy is going in a wrong direction. But don't be put off by that. The history of the Church has numerous holy popes. There have been a couple of anti-popes too. But the Church has always survived all attacks from outside and within. The Vatican needs clearing up. We are praying... God bless you.

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Super wonderful.

A sanctuary

A place to hear God

Worship and honour.

So intune. Praying for mountains to move.

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Tried to donate substantial sum 3x but the fundraiser give go couldn't verify the source. Strange as the bank approved and nothing has changed.

Will try again tomorrow .

In the meantime please be assured of my daily prayers Fr.

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Thank you!

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This is crazy. And I love it! I did my bit from Chicago, IL, USA.

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I have already donated. I pray we raise enough.

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Have donated 😊🙏 and will pray albeit somewhat new to me alas the world is moving and encouraging me to do the same.

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This is wonderful. Keep praying! My wife and I became Christian last year, and prayer was perhaps a bit awkward at first. Now we can't imagine living without our morning and evening prayers and the graces that come of it.

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Already donated.

Hope & pray this comes off.

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What a wonderful idea

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Aug 20Edited

I understand the desire to have an outpost (and that terrorist situation is very disturbing), but it makes me think of this verse... "The meek shall inherent the earth". Those who put their full Faith in Christ Jesus are co-heirs of His eternal Kingdom. This world is not our home, it is passing away. Your country and mine are listening to the threatening voices of others to comply with the destruction of the West, but we (Christians) are to be about our Holy Father’s business and make disciples of all nations. What does Jesus tell us to do with our enemies? The Lord says to leave room for Him, He will repay. It is sometimes difficult to know what to do with the chaos around us, but we are told not to fear and to hold fast to our Faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus.

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Without Works

Is Dead.


James 2

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‘Works’ are a natural outpouring of a changed heart, but they do not save you. Faith in Christ Jesus saves you, then you will go out and serve.

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In other words you it requires both as without works how can your faith be anything but empty words.

It's easy to say I believe then do nothing about it .

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Aug 21Edited

No, a person is saved by real FAITH, which is the saving work of Jesus on the cross and to believe in the One He sent. "Then they inquired, “What must we do to perform the works of God?” Jesus replied, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.”"-John 6:28-29

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That is why Our Lord instituted his Church on the Rock (Petros) Peter so there would be an authority in reconciling scripture otherwise you have many people selecting scripture to conclude a particular point of view,which ,you are doing.

Scripture has to be viewed as a whole and with respect only the Church instituted by Christ can claim to be an Authority on Scripture.

Of course you are only saved by the sacrifices of Christ but what determines real faith?

Only Christ will decide who is worthy...and it is said that it is not those who cry Lord who will enter heaven but those who do the will of my father who are saved

Matthew 7:21..

Surely anyone can claim to have true faith but without works their nothing to substantiate the claim..ie you need both to have real faith

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Acts 16:30-33: "Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their wounds; and he was baptized at once, he and all his family."

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Aug 22Edited

The universal church is built with Jesus as its Cornerstone. Its foundations are the 12 Apostles. Peter's *profession of who Jesus is* was given to him by our Father in Heaven, not of his own knowledge. Peter, was a fallible man, who was restored, by Jesus, after the ressurection to serve in the mission of Christ. Jesus sent them out so the message of the Gospel would spread, outward like a ripple when a stone is dropped the in the water, not a tower that be corrupted from the top down, as in a Bishop system. Jesus had his 12, but Peter, James and John appeared to be His inner core. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit and the scriptures. The early (2nd century to 3rd century) Christian scholars (often called Fathers of the Faith) famously disagreed on many topics. The councils are not infallible, they sometimes over turned their own decisions. The accretions (things added) often are not found in scripture.. personally, I do not accept the Marian dogmas or the supreme authority of the Bishop of Rome, nor his infallibility ex cathedra. Only God is infallible.

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1 Peter 2:6 – “Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.”

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Isaiah 28:16 – “Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.”

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1 Corinthians 10:4 – “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.”

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"The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed:" -1 Peter 5:1

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Matthew 7

Start at 22...

Also, read the entire chapter

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…and? Those who were initially called were the Jews. They did not know the time of His coming, the Pharisees and scribes, who were experts in the Law and the Prophets… and yet, they were 'blind guides'. The entire OT speaks of the coming of God’s anointed the 'Prophet, Messiah, Great High Priest and LORD’. There is 'one new man’ (Ephesians) in Christ Jesus, made up on believing Jews and gentiles. God had a plan, foretold since Genesis, to save all who would put their faith in the Gospel which is Christ crucified. The book of Hebrews is awesome, it truly holds a key for those of us so far removed from OT understanding.

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Jesus, being a Jew, is far more interested in your deeds than your adoration.

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I’m sorry you believe that. Jesus is GOD.

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No more Christian than a stone, you are a self serving fool. Good riddance, stay in the wrong side of the pool

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Holiness unto the Lord! I saw this for the first time today, the 27th of September. I had seen the attempt to purchase story which was declined. I'm going to pray about what to contribute t this effort.

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All the best with it, I've come off twitter as it is unsafe with people doing years in prison for " Islamophobic tweets" and the country as a whole is going down the gutter very quickly. I knew Starmer's government would be bad, but never realised just quite how grim it would be.

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Right wing nonsense. You lot are no more Christian. Than a stone. No point in saying rot in he'll as it doesn't exist!

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"Rot in hell Alan"

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What a beautiful idea! But it won’t be big enough though. Are they any more islands for sale? 😊

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